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Text File | 1994-03-23 | 14.8 KB | 724 lines | [TEXT/Imag] |
- {This file contains macros that work with stacks.}
- procedure CheckForStack;
- begin
- if nPics=0 then begin
- PutMessage('This macro requires a stack.');
- exit;
- end;
- if nSlices=0 then begin
- PutMessage('This window is not a stack.');
- exit
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Add Slice [A]'; begin CheckForStack; AddSlice end;
- macro 'Delete Slice [D]'; begin CheckForStack; DeleteSlice end;
- macro 'First Slice [F]'; begin CheckForStack; SelectSlice(1) end;
- macro 'Last Slice [L]'; begin CheckForStack; SelectSlice(nSlices) end;
- macro 'Select Slice… [S]';
- var
- n:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- n:=GetNumber('Slice Number:',trunc(nSlices/2));
- SelectSlice(n)
- end;
- macro '(-' begin end;
- macro 'Smooth';
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- for i:= 1 to nSlices do begin
- SelectSlice(i);
- SetOption; Smooth;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Sharpen';
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- for i:= 1 to nSlices do begin
- SelectSlice(i);
- SetOption; Smooth;
- SetOption; Sharpen;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Reduce Noise';
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- for i:= 1 to nSlices do begin
- SelectSlice(i);
- ReduceNoise;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Apply LUT';
- var
- i,stack,slices:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- stack:=PicNumber;
- slices:=nSlices;
- Duplicate('Temp');
- for i:= 1 to slices do begin
- SelectPic(stack);
- SelectSlice(i);
- ApplyLut;
- SelectPic(nPics);
- if i<>slices then PropagateLut;
- end;
- SelectPic(nPics);
- Dispose;
- end;
- macro 'Fix Colors';
- {
- Changes 0 to 1 and 255 to 254 in all slices. We want to do this because
- pixel values of 0(which always displays as white) and 255(always
- displays as black) cause problems when pseudo-coloring images.
- }
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- for i:= 1 to nSlices do begin
- SelectSlice(i);
- ChangeValues(0,0,1);
- ChangeValues(255,255,254);
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Subtract Background…';
- var
- radius,i:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- radius:=GetNumber('Rolling ball radius (pixels):',50);
- for i:= 1 to nSlices do begin
- SelectSlice(i);
- SubtractBackground('2D Rolling Ball',radius);
- end;
- end;
- macro '(-' begin end;
- procedure CheckForSelection;
- var
- x1,y1,x2,y2,LineWidth:integer;
- begin
- GetRoi(RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- GetLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,LineWidth);
- if (RoiWidth=0) or (x1>=0) then begin
- PutMessage('Please make a rectangular selection.');
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- procedure CropAndScale(fast:boolean; angle:real);
- var
- i,OldStack,NewStack:integer;
- RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight:integer;
- N,NewWidth:integer;
- ScaleFactor:real;
- OneToOne:boolean;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- CheckForSelection;
- SaveState;
- OldStack:=PicNumber;
- N:=nSlices;
- ScaleFactor:=GetNumber('Scale factor(0.05..25):',1.0);
- OneToOne:=ScaleFactor=1.0;
- NewWidth:=round(RoiWidth*ScaleFactor);
- if odd(NewWidth) then begin
- NewWidth:=NewWidth-1;
- ScaleFactor:=NewWidth/RoiWidth;
- end;
- SetNewSize(RoiWidth*ScaleFactor,RoiHeight*ScaleFactor);
- MakeNewStack('Stack');
- NewStack:=PicNumber;
- if not OneToOne then begin
- if fast
- then SetScaling('Nearest; Create New Window')
- else SetScaling('Bilinear; Create New Window');
- end;
- SelectPic(OldStack);
- for i:= 1 to N do begin
- SelectSlice(1);
- if OneToOne and (angle=0.0) then Duplicate('Temp')
- else ScaleAndRotate(ScaleFactor,ScaleFactor,angle);
- SelectAll;
- Copy;
- SelectPic(NewStack);
- if i<>1 then AddSlice;
- Paste;
- SelectPic(nPics);
- Dispose; {Temp}
- SelectPic(OldStack);
- DeleteSlice;
- end;
- Dispose; {OldStack}
- RestoreState;
- end;
- macro 'Crop and Scale-Fast…'; begin CropAndScale(true, 0); end;
- macro 'Crop and Scale-Smooth…'; begin CropAndScale(false, 0); end;
- procedure Rotate(left:boolean);
- var
- i,OldStack,NewStack:integer;
- RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight:integer;
- N,NewWidth:integer;
- ScaleFactor,SliceSpacing:real;
- OneToOne:boolean;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- SelectAll;
- GetRoi(RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- OldStack:=PicNumber;
- SliceSpacing:=GetSliceSpacing;
- N:=nSlices;
- SetNewSize(RoiHeight,RoiWidth);
- MakeNewStack('Stack');
- if SliceSpacing>0 then SetSliceSpacing(SliceSpacing);
- NewStack:=PicNumber;
- SelectPic(OldStack);
- for i:= 1 to N do begin
- SelectSlice(1);
- if left
- then RotateLeft(true)
- else RotateRight(true);
- SelectAll;
- Copy;
- SelectPic(NewStack);
- if i<>1 then AddSlice;
- Paste;
- ChoosePic(nPics);
- Dispose;
- SelectPic(OldStack);
- DeleteSlice;
- end;
- Dispose;
- end;
- macro 'Rotate Left'; begin rotate(true) end;
- macro 'Rotate Right'; begin rotate(false) end;
- macro 'Rotate…';
- var
- angle:real;
- begin
- angle:=GetNumber('Angle(-180.0°..180.0°):',45.0);
- CropAndScale(false, angle);
- end;
- macro 'Invert';
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- for i:= 1 to nSlices do begin
- SelectSlice(i);
- Invert;
- end;
- end;
- procedure flip(vertical:boolean);
- var
- i:integer;
- SliceSpacing:real;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- for i:= 1 to nSlices do begin
- SelectSlice(i);
- if vertical
- then FlipVertical
- else FlipHorizontal;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Flip Vertical'; begin flip(true) end;
- macro 'Flip Horizontal'; begin flip(false) end;
- macro 'Delete Even Slices';
- var
- n:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- SelectSlice(2);
- repeat
- DeleteSlice;
- n:=SliceNumber;
- n:=n+2;
- if n>nSlices then exit;
- SelectSlice(n);
- until false;
- end;
- macro 'Replicate Slices…';
- var
- n,i,RepFactor:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- RepFactor:=GetNumber('Replication factor(2,3,4,5,etc):',2);
- n:=nSlices;
- repeat
- SelectSlice(n);
- SelectAll;
- Copy;
- for i:=2 to RepFactor do begin
- AddSlice;
- Paste;
- end;
- n:=n-1;
- until n=0;
- KillRoi;
- end;
- macro 'Merge Two Stacks';
- {
- Combines two stacks(w1xh1xd1 and w2xh2xd2) to create a new
- w1+w2 x max(h1,h2) x max(d1,d2) stack. For example, a 256x256x40
- and a 256x256x30 stack would be combined into one 512x256x40 stack.
- }
- var
- i,w1,w2,w3,h1,h2,h3,d1,d2,d3:integer;
- begin
- SaveState;
- if nPics<>2 then begin
- PutMessage('This macro operates on exactly two stacks.');
- exit;
- end;
- SelectPic(1);
- GetPicSize(w1,h1);
- d1:=nSlices;
- SelectPic(2);
- GetPicSize(w2,h2);
- d2:=nSlices;
- if d1>=d2
- then d3:=d1
- else d3:=d2;
- if d3=0 then begin
- PutMessage('Both images must be stacks.');
- exit;
- end;
- w3:=w1+w2;
- if h1>=h2
- then h3:=h1
- else h3:=h2;
- SetNewSize(w3,h3);
- MakeNewStack('Merged');
- for i:=1 to d3 do begin
- SelectPic(1);
- SelectSlice(1);
- SelectAll;
- Copy;
- DeleteSlice;
- SelectPic(3);
- MakeRoi(0,0,w1,h1);
- Paste;
- SelectPic(2);
- SelectSlice(1);
- SelectAll;
- Copy;
- DeleteSlice;
- SelectPic(3);
- MakeRoi(w1,0,w2,h2);
- Paste;
- if i<d3 then AddSlice;
- end;
- SelectPic(1);
- Dispose;
- SelectPic(1);
- Dispose;
- RestoreState;
- end;
- macro 'Average Two Stacks';
- {Creates the frame by frame average of two stacks.}
- var
- i,w1,w2,w3,h1,h2,h3,d1,d2,d3,avg:integer;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.53);
- SaveState;
- if nPics<>2 then begin
- PutMessage('This macro operates on exactly two stacks.');
- exit;
- end;
- SelectPic(1);
- KillRoi;
- GetPicSize(w1,h1);
- d1:=nSlices;
- SelectPic(2);
- KillRoi;
- GetPicSize(w2,h2);
- d2:=nSlices;
- if d1>=d2
- then d3:=d1
- else d3:=d2;
- if (w1<>w2) or (h1<>h2) or (d1<>d2) or (d1=0) then begin
- PutMessage('This macro requires two stacks that are the same size.');
- exit;
- end;
- SetNewSize(w1,h1);
- MakeNewStack('Average');
- avg:=PicNumber;
- for i:=1 to d1 do begin
- SelectPic(1);
- SelectSlice(i);
- SelectPic(2);
- SelectSlice(i);
- ImageMath('Add', 1, 2, 0.5, 0, 'Temp');
- SelectAll;
- Copy;
- dispose;
- SelectPic(avg);
- if i<>1 then AddSlice;
- paste;
- end;
- RestoreState;
- end;
- macro '(-' begin end;
- macro 'Save Slices as files…';
- {
- This macro saves the slices in a stack as individual TIFF or PICT files using
- names of the form needed by Apple's Convert to [QuickTime]Movie utility.
- To specify the file type, checked either TIFF or PICT in the SaveAs dialog
- box, which should only appear once.
- }
- var
- i,stack:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- stack:=PicNumber;
- for i:= 1 to nSlices do begin
- SelectPic(stack);
- SelectSlice(i);
- Duplicate('Frame.',i:2);
- SaveAs;
- {Export;}
- Dispose;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Windows to Stack';
- {Unlike the menu command of the same name, the windows do not}
- {all need to be the same size.}
- var
- i,width,height,MinWidth,MinHeight,n,stack:integer;
- isStack:boolean;
- begin
- if nPics<=1 then begin
- PutMessage('At least two images must be open.');
- exit;
- end;
- MinWidth:=9999;
- MinHeight:=9999;
- isStack:=false;
- for i:=1 to nPics do begin
- SelectPic(i);
- GetPicSize(width,height);
- if width<MinWidth then MinWidth:=width;
- if height<MinHeight then MinHeight:=height;
- isStack:=isStack or (nSlices>0);
- end;
- if isStack then begin
- PutMessage('This macro does not work with stacks.');
- exit;
- end;
- if odd(MinWidth) then MinWidth:=MinWidth-1;
- n:=nPics;
- SaveState;
- SetNewSize(MinWidth,MinHeight);
- MakeNewStack('Stack');
- stack:=nPics;
- for i:=1 to n do begin
- SelectPic(1);
- MakeRoi(0,0,MinWidth,MinHeight);
- copy;
- Dispose;
- SelectPic(nPics);
- paste;
- if i<>n then AddSlice;
- end;
- KillRoi;
- RestoreState;
- end;
- Macro 'Stack to Windows'
- var
- mystack,i:integer
- width,height:integer;
- begin
- SaveState;
- CheckForStack;
- GetPicSize(width,height);
- SetNewSize(width,height);
- mystack := picnumber;
- for i:=1 to nslices do begin
- SelectSlice(i);
- SelectAll;
- copy;
- MakeNewWindow(i);
- paste;
- SelectPic(myStack);
- end;
- KillRoi;
- RestoreState;
- end;
- macro 'Make Cone';
- var
- i,size,margin,MaxRadius,r,r2,center,RodLength,color:integer;
- begin
- size:=64;
- margin:=5;
- color:=100;
- SaveState;
- SetBackgroundColor(255); {Black}
- SetNewSize(size,size);
- MakeNewStack('Cone');
- for i:=1 to margin do AddSlice;
- MaxRadius:=(size-2*margin)/2;
- center:=size div 2;
- RodLength:=size-2*margin-1;
- for i:=1 to RodLength do begin
- AddSlice;
- r:=MaxRadius*(i/RodLength);
- MakeOvalRoi(center-r,center-r,r*2,r*2);
- SetForegroundColor(color);
- Fill;
- if (i>RodLength/2) and (i<(RodLength-margin)) then begin
- r2:=MaxRadius/6;
- MakeOvalRoi(center-2.125*r2,center-1.3*r2,r2*2,r2*2);
- SetForegroundColor(color-25);
- Fill;
- MakeOvalRoi(center+0.625*r2,center-0.7*r2,r2*2,r2*2);
- SetForegroundColor(color+25);
- Fill;
- end;
- end;
- for i:=1 to margin do AddSlice;
- KillRoi;
- RestoreState;
- end;
- macro 'Animate';
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- CheckForStack;
- i:=0;
- repeat
- i:=i+1;
- if i>nSlices then i:=1;
- SelectSlice(i);
- until button;
- end;
- procedure DoReslicing(horizontal:boolean);
- var
- stack1,stack2,width,height:integer;
- RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight,max:integer;
- InputSpacing,OutputSpacing,loc:real;
- FirstTime:boolean;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.45);
- CheckForStack;
- CheckForSelection;
- SaveState;
- SetBackground(0);
- SetBackground(255);
- stack1:=PicNumber;
- InputSpacing:=GetSliceSpacing;
- if InputSpacing<=0 then InputSpacing:=1;
- InputSpacing:=GetNumber('Input Slice Spacing(Pixels):',InputSpacing);
- SetSliceSpacing(InputSpacing);
- OutputSpacing:=InputSpacing;
- OutputSpacing:=GetNumber('Output Slice Spacing (Pixels):', OutputSpacing);
- FirstTime:=true;
- GetRoi(RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- if horizontal then begin
- loc:=RoiTop+OutputSpacing;
- max:=RoiTop+RoiHeight;
- end else begin
- loc:=RoiLeft+OutputSpacing;
- max:=RoiLeft+RoiWidth;
- end;
- while loc<max do begin
- ChoosePic(stack1);
- if horizontal
- then MakeLineRoi(RoiLeft,loc,RoiLeft+RoiWidth,loc)
- else MakeLineRoi(loc,RoiTop,loc,RoiTop+RoiHeight);
- Reslice;
- SelectAll;
- Copy;
- GetPicSize(width,height);
- Dispose;
- if FirstTime then begin
- SetNewSize(width,height);
- MakeNewStack(OutputSpacing:1:2);
- SetSliceSpacing(OutputSpacing);
- stack2:=PicNumber;
- end;
- ChoosePic(stack2);
- if not FirstTime then AddSlice;
- Paste;
- loc:=loc+OutputSpacing;
- FirstTime:=false;
- end;
- SelectPic(stack1);
- KillRoi;
- SelectPic(stack2);
- KillRoi;
- RestoreState;
- end;
- macro 'Reslice Horizontally…'; begin DoReslicing(true) end;
- macro 'Reslice Vertically…'; begin DoReslicing(false) end;
- macro '(-' begin end;
- procedure ResliceSignaMRI(horizontal,OptionKey:boolean);
- var
- stack1,stack2,width,height:integer;
- RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight,max:integer;
- loc,PixelSpacing:real;
- InputSpacing,OutputSpacing:real; {mm}
- scale:real; {pixels/mm}
- FirstTime:boolean;
- begin
- scale:=1.0666; {Assumes 256x256 slices and 240mm field of view}
- RequiresVersion(1.45);
- CheckForStack;
- CheckForSelection;
- SaveState;
- SetScale(scale,'mm');
- SetBackground(0);
- SetBackground(255);
- stack1:=PicNumber;
- InputSpacing:=GetSliceSpacing/scale;
- if InputSpacing<=0 then InputSpacing:=1.5;
- InputSpacing:=GetNumber('Input Slice Spacing(mm):',InputSpacing);
- SetSliceSpacing(InputSpacing*scale);
- OutputSpacing:=InputSpacing;
- OutputSpacing:=GetNumber('Output Slice Spacing (mm):', OutputSpacing);
- PixelSpacing:=OutputSpacing*scale;
- FirstTime:=true;
- GetRoi(RoiLeft,RoiTop,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- if horizontal then begin
- loc:=RoiTop+PixelSpacing;
- max:=RoiTop+RoiHeight;
- end else begin
- loc:=RoiLeft+PixelSpacing;
- max:=RoiLeft+RoiWidth;
- end;
- while loc<max do begin
- ChoosePic(stack1);
- if horizontal
- then MakeLineRoi(RoiLeft,loc,RoiLeft+RoiWidth,loc)
- else MakeLineRoi(loc,RoiTop,loc,RoiTop+RoiTop+RoiHeight);
- if OptionKey then SetOption;
- Reslice;
- SelectAll;
- Copy;
- GetPicSize(width,height);
- Dispose;
- if FirstTime then begin
- SetNewSize(width,height);
- MakeNewStack(OutputSpacing:1:2);
- SetSliceSpacing(PixelSpacing);
- stack2:=PicNumber;
- end;
- ChoosePic(stack2);
- if not FirstTime then AddSlice;
- Paste;
- loc:=loc+PixelSpacing;
- FirstTime:=false;
- end;
- SelectPic(stack1);
- KillRoi;
- SelectPic(stack2);
- KillRoi;
- RestoreState;
- end;
- macro 'Import GE Signa Files…';
- Var
- i,n,max,stack,first:integer;
- scale:real; {pixels/mm}
- begin
- scale:=1.066666; {assumes 256x256 slices with 240mm field of view}
- first:=round(GetNumber('Number of first slice:',1));
- max:=round(GetNumber('Maximum pixel value:',255));
- SetNewSize(256,256);
- MakeNewStack('Stack');
- stack:=nPics;
- MoveWindow(340,40);
- SetScale(scale,'mm');
- SetCustom(256,256,14336);
- SetImport('Custom; 16-bits Signed; Fixed Scale');
- SetImportMinMax(0,max);
- n:=first;
- for i:=1 to 256 do begin
- Import('i.',n:3);
- SetPicName('i.',n:3);
- SelectAll;
- Copy;
- Dispose;
- SelectPic(stack);
- if n<>first then AddSlice;
- n:=n+1;
- Paste;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Sagitals to Coronals…'; begin ResliceSignaMRI(false,true) end;
- macro 'Sagitals to Axials…'; begin ResliceSignaMRI(true,true) end;
- macro 'Coronals to Sagitals…'; begin ResliceSignaMRI(false,true) end;